Friday, December 14, 2012

Response to Literature: Drafting - Part 2

IWBAT draft my four-paragraph expository response to literature that describes how Eliezer Wiesel is a dynamic character in Night.


1. Submit your essay to Mr. T so that he can comment on it (even if you aren't finished):
  • While in your Google document, click Share in the upper-right corner of the window.
  • In the dialogue box, click Change under Who Has Access.
  • Then, click Anyone with a link.
  • Next to Access: Anyone (no sign-in required), select Can comment from the drop-down list.
  • Click Save.
  • The web address for your essay should already be highlighted (under Link to share). Press CTRL + C to copy the web address.
  • Click Done.
  • Open this Google form.
  • Type in your first and last name and select your homeroom.
  • Then, paste your the web address to your essay by pressing CTRL + V.
  • Click Submit.

2. Today, you will continue drafting your response to literature on Google docs:
  • Open Google Drive.
  • If you have already begun typing your response to literature:
    • Click the title of your response to literature. It should be Eliezer Wiesel: A Dynamic Character. Your document should open.
    • Continue typing until you have finished your four paragraphs.
  • If you have already begun typing your response to literature:
    • Click the red Create button in the upper left corner of the page. Then, click Document.
    • Title your document "Eliezer Wiesel: A Dynamic Character". (Click Untitled Document and then type in this title, or copy and paste it, into the dialogue box. Then, click OK.)
    • Set your font to Calibri and the font size to 14.
    • Type your four paragraphs (you can just copy the sentences from your graphic organizers) in order: 1) introduction, 2) body #1, 3) body #2, and 4) conclusion.
  • If you are stuck when drafting: you can read an exemplar here and use it as a guide for your own essay. (Note, Mr. T's exemplary essay focuses on Vladek Spiegelman from Maus, rather than Elie Wiesel from Night.

 3. If you finish early, you can complete these activities:
  • Read about Elie Wiesel and his foundation on their website.
  • Read Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech here.
  • Watch these videos:
    • Elie Wiesel with President Obama, outside Buchenwald: click here
    • Elie Wiesel discussing his view on forgiveness: click here
    • Oprah's interview with Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz: click here

1. Finish your rough draft. It must be completed by Monday morning.
2. Figurative Language in Night


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