Monday, March 4, 2013

Organizational Patterns

IWBAT define and identify a variety of effective and coherent organizational patterns, including chronological order, comparison and contrast, order of importance, climactic order, organization by categories, and arrangement by spatial order.

Disorganization leads to a lack of clarity and CHAOS!
Organization makes it easy to find and understand things.

1. Do Now: Play Rags to Riches to review grammar skills: Click Here

2. Create Your Mini-Book: Follow Mr. T's directions to construct a mini-book that will become your organizational patterns reference.
  • If you are creating your mini-book outside of class, you can follow the directions given here.

3. Learning the Organizational Patterns: Write the descriptions of each organizational pattern in your mini-book on the assigned pages, using the information given below.
  • (page 2) Organizational Patterns:
    • When writing, it is important to sequence ideas in an order that makes sense
    • There are several different patterns that could be used to organize writing, but it depends on your topic and purpose.
  • There are many different organizational patterns in writing.
    • (page 3) Chronological Order:
      • events happen in time order, or sequence
      • example: Many stories and most biographies are written in time order, from first to last. Directions/instructions are also written in sequence.
    • (page 4) Comparison and Contrast:
      • shows how two or more things are alike and different
      • example: A report about moths and butterflies could be organized this way.
    • (page 5) Order of Importance:
      • puts facts and details in order starting with the most important
      • example: A letter to the editor giving people reasons to vote for a certain candidate might start with the best reason first.
    • (page 6) Climactic Order:
      • puts the most important facts and details last
      • example: In a mystery story, the detail about the person who committed the crime goes at the end.
    • (page 7) Arrangement by Spatial Order:
      • puts things in order based on their location.
      • example: An essay about California’s geography could start by discussing the landforms of Northern California and then move south.
    • (page 8) Organization by Categories:
      • groups similar things into larger categories.
      • example: A report about four different kinds of trees could also classify each tree as either evergreen or deciduous (leaf-shedding).
4. Practice Identifying Organizational Patterns of Writing:
  • You will read through several passages: Click Here
  • For the passages you practice together, you will answer on Socrative.
  •  As you read, ask yourself which pattern the author used when writing the passage. Use your mini-book to help you. Then, select the pattern on your answer sheet.
  • You will grade your own answers and mark the ones you missed. 
  • You will have the remaining time in class to determine the correct organizational pattern of the ones you missed. This second grade will be your final grade.
  • If you finish early, complete today's activity on TeenBiz3000.

Homework: Australia's Dangerous Animals

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