Friday, March 1, 2013

Transitions & Precise Language

1. IWBAT demonstrate mastery of:
  • developing the topic with supporting details and precise language that creates a mental movie in the mind of the reader (WS 1.2B).
  • using transitions to help the writing flow smoothly from one idea to another (WS 1.6).
The answer is NO, but nice try.
1. Quiz #25: Take quiz #25 on precise language and transitions. You will then score it using GradeCam to view your performance.

2. Survey: Take this 5-minute survey to give your honest thoughts and opinions about the use of technology in English class: Click  Here

3. TeenBiz3000: When you finish your quiz, read today's lesson on TeenBiz3000 that features an article called "Women in the MIlitary." Your final writing task (the thought question, in step #5) will be scored. Be sure to write a complete paragraph and work carefully. If you finish this activity, complete another activity on TeenBiz3000. You may select the article yourself.

4. Revise Your Quiz: You will have a second opportunity to answer the questions on your quiz. Mr. T will grade your second attempt for half of the points. You must continue to work independently and prepare your answer sheet for regrading by the end of class.

Homework: Today is Dr. Seuss's birthday, and we will celebrate by reading and analyzing one of my favorite books by him: "Oh, The Places You'll Go!"

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