IWBAT compose a four-paragraph expository response to literature that describes how Eliezer Wiesel is a dynamic character in Night.
- Monday: overview, prewrite, and draft body paragraphs
- Tuesday: draft introduction & conclusion paragraphs
- Wednesday: finish drafting
- Thursday: revise & edit
- Friday: no ELA class
Key Points:
1. A dynamic character changes (in a big way) during the course of the story, whereas a static character stays the same.
2. A response to literature is writing that shows your understanding and interpretation of literature.
Project Overview:
- FORMAT an expository response to literature (essay)
- AUDIENCE Mr. T and my teammates
- ROLE an awesome, articulate sixth grade writer (myself)
- TOPIC how Elie Wiesel is a dynamic character in Night
1. Do Now: Prepositions and Homework Check
2. Prewrite
- Make a copy of this document into your Google Drive to use for your prewriting and drafting.
- View prewriting and drafting resources on paper here.
3. Draft
- You can view an exemplar for this assignment here. (Note, this exemplary essay focuses on Vladek Spiegelman from Maus, rather than Elie Wiesel from Night.)
- View other drafting resources here.
- While in your Google document, click Share in the upper-right corner of the window.
- In the dialogue box, click Change under Who Has Access.
- Select Can comment from the drop-down list.
- Click Save.
- The web address for your essay should already be highlighted (under Link to share). Press CTRL + C to copy the web address.
- Click Done.
- Open this Google form.
- Type in your first and last name and select your homeroom.
- Then, paste your the web address to your essay by pressing CTRL + V.
- Click Submit.
5. Revise & Edit
6. Finished Early? Complete these activities:
- Read about Elie Wiesel and his foundation on their website.
- Read Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech here.
- Watch these videos:
- Elie Wiesel with President Obama, outside Buchenwald: click here
- Elie Wiesel discussing his view on forgiveness: click here
- Oprah's interview with Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz: click here
- Read an independent reading book
- Complete today's activity on TeenBiz3000
- Monday: draft two body paragraphs (pages 4-5 of packet)
- Tuesday: draft introduction and conclusion (pages 3 and 6 of packet)
- Wednesday: Figurative Language in Night + finish drafting response to literature
- Thursday: The Holocaust Defined + finish final draft of response to literature (on Google Drive)
- Friday: Winter Break Packet (education essay)
- Read previous winning contest entries here (including some written by KBA students!)
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