Thursday, December 12, 2013

Holocaust Poetry: Part 1

Flowers and a Butterfly -- a painting by Dorit Weiser,
a girl in the Terezin (Theresienstadt) ghetto.
Weiser was born in 1932 and perished in 1944
in the Auschwitz camp.
IWBAT analyze poetry written by children living in the Czech concentration camp called Terezin, in order to describe how their experience in the camp influenced the children.


1. Do Now: compound sentences - part 3

2. Homework Check:

3. Read Night: pp. 57-65

4. Track Mr. T's PowerPoint presentation about Terezin, as you take notes on your classwork paper:

  • If we have enough time, we will watch a short video about a woman who survived Terezin as a child: 
  • This is another video that shows footage of what Terezin looks like today (ignore the corny music):

5. Read a selection of poems written by children imprisoned at the Terezin concentration camp during the Holocaust. As you read and analyze the poems, complete this form:

6. If you finish early, you may read the other poems on your classwork page or watch one of the videos above (use headphones).

HomeworkSimple & Compound Sentences

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