Friday, April 25, 2014

Revising Fates Analysis - Part 2

IWBAT revise my analysis of the fates, in order to improve the quality of evidence from both The Lightning Thief and online research sources.

1. Homework Checkreview answers to "Protecting Our Parks" (TFK)
2. Aims and Agenda + Split into Groups

Rotation A:
3. Read The Lightning Thief:  Chapter 4: "My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting": pp. 44-56
(audiobook: Part 2, 00:00 to 19:27)

4. complete all unfinished lessons -- due today!

5. Finish Typing Analysis Paragraph About the Fates:
  • Open Google Drive.
  • Find the document called "My Analysis of the Fates in The Lightning Thief" and open it. 
    • You can locate this document by typing "fates" in the search box in Google Drive.
  • Type your paragraph, in which you use the information you have learned through research in order to infer meaning in Chapter 2 of The Lightning Thief:
    • Who and what does Percy see?
    • Why is Grover scared?
    • What does this mean?
    • How do you know?

6. Finished Early? Complete the activities of your choice.

Rotation B:
7. Review this scoring rubric to make sure your paragraph meets the criteria for success:
description of the scene in the textthe scene is accurately and vividly described, as it occurs in the bookthere are several details from the book includeddetails are lacking or inaccurate
use of direct quote from the texta relevant, correctly-cited quote from the book makes the description clearthe direct quote is incorrectly cited or is unclear or imprecise in purposemissing a direct quote, or irrelevant to the content of the paragraph
inferring the meaning of events in the textclear, well-explained, and reasonable interpretation of the scene from the bookthe meaning of the scene is explainedan explanation of the meaning of the scene is missing, confusing, or incorrect
use of evidence from online sourcerelevant, correctly-cited, and paraphrased information from an online source makes the interpretation clear and effectiveinformation from online source(s) make it easier to understand the interpretation; may be cited incorrectly or not at allevidence is lacking or plagiarised, or it does not clearly relate to the content of the paragraph
use of conventions and professionalismneat and pleasing to read, with strong use of conventions (capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar)contains errors but the writing is still easy to readcontains many errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, or formatting

    8. Partners Revise/Edit Analysis

    1. Rotate desks.
    2. Read partner's analysis paragraph.
    3. Rate partner's analysis paragraph using rubric.
    4. Provide one (or more) strength and one (or more) area for growth.
    5. Repeat steps #1-4 twice more.

    9. Revise Analysis Paragraph to Improve Use of Evidence:
    • Improve your description of the fates from The Lightning Thief.
      • Include a direct quote from the novel in your paragraph.
      • Cite the source by adding the author's name (Riordan) and the page number in parentheses after the quoted text.
        • example: In The Lightning Thief, Percy said, "Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood" (Riordan 1).
    • In your analysis, you need to include factual information from online sources. 
      • Paraphrase this information (put it in your own words).
        • Do not just copy and paste from the source.
      • Cite the source by adding the name of the source in parentheses after the paraphrased information.
        • example: The fates did not determine the destiny of the gods; they fulfilled what Zeus told them to do (Encyclopedia Britannica).
    • If you need to access the research sources again, you can find them here:
    • Edit by ensuring that the author has:
      • written in complete sentences
      • used academic vocabulary and tone
      • indented the paragraph
      • correctly spelled and capitalized all names: Percy, Grover, Mr. Brunner
      • underlined or italicized the book title: The Lightning Thief
      • put quotation marks around both sides of direct quotes
      • included the page number of the direct quote
        • Mr. T says, "Put words directly from the book in quotation marks, and be careful with punctuation marks!" (118).
        • included the name of all online sources (in parentheses after the information)

      10. Finished Early? Complete the activities of your choice.

      11. Read "The Legend of Perseus"

      12. Close-Out 

      Today's Homework"The Legend of Perseus" -- view accompanying text here

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