Monday, January 28, 2013

"Meet Number Seven Billion" (TeenBiz3000)

IWBAT complete the five-step procedure for reading and responding to the nonfiction article "Meet Number Seven Billion" on TeenBiz3000.


1. Do Now: Subject/Verb Agreement with Compound Subjects:
When the parts of a compound subject are joined by and, use a plural verb.
Example: Pluto and Jupiter are planets.
When the parts of a compound subject are joined by or or nor, use the verb form that agrees with the subject closest to it.
Example: Neither the cat nor the puppies have eaten yet. 
Example: Neither the puppies nor the cat has eaten yet.

2. Complete the 5-step procedure for "Meet Number Seven Billion" on TeenBiz3000.
  • If you need help getting to TeenBiz or navigating through the five-step procedure,

3. When you finish, you may read another article on TeenBiz3000, complete extension activities, or explore other parts of the site. You must stay on the TeenBiz3000 website the entire time.

Homework: "A Panda for a Pet"

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