Thursday, January 16, 2014

Drafting One-Child Policy Memo

As chief economic adviser for Deng Xiaoping in 1978, IWBAT draft a memo to the leader of the Chinese Communist party, in order to advise him whether we should or should not implement the one-child policy in China.

How does this relate to the one-child policy in China?

1. Do Now: identifying sentence structures
  • Mild: Review sentence types:
    • simple sentences have one independent clause
    • compound sentences have two independent clauses joined by a comma and coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) or a semicolon
    • complex sentences have an independent clause joined to a dependent clause (and the dependent clause always begins with a subordinating conjunction, or WANNABE)
  • Mild: Review or learn more about the sentence types (and see examples):
  • Medium: Try a practice quiz <-- RECOMMENDED PRACTICE
  • Medium: Play sentence sort (please mute your Chromebook!)
  • Spicy! Complete additional practice activities
  • Spicy! Play sentence jeopardy

2. Homework Check: Sentence Review (no homework from Wednesday)

3. Begin Drafting: Open this "One-Child Policy Memo" document. Make a copy by selecting Make a Copy from the File menu. You can view the requirements of each paragraph in the comment linked to each paragraph. When you are ready to draft, delete the paragraph headers and get to work!
  • If you wish, you may use these graphic organizers to help you organize your thoughts before or while you draft your paragraphs.
  • Regarding the introduction: Remember that the purpose of the introduction is to hook the reader's attention, give necessary background information, and state the purpose of the writing. More specifically, you should:
    • Describe the main problem in China: overpopulation (and why is this such a problem?)
    • State purpose of writing: to advise whether to implement the one-child policy as a solution to this problem (the thesis or main argument)
    • Use a formal, professional tone (he is your boss)
    • Remember, you are persuading! Convince Deng Xiaoping to listen to you!
    • Write four or more sentences
  • Body Paragraphs: Explain key points to support your thesis. You should:
    • State one key point / reason why the one-child policy should / should not be implemented
    • Your evidence is one negative or positive effect that the one-child policy causes
    • Explain your evidence by describing why this is important or why the leader should care
    • Summarize your evidence in the conclusion statement
    • Write at least five sentences.
  • Conclusion: The purpose of the conclusion is to summarize what you have written in your entire essay and bring your writing to a close. You should:
    • Restate your thesis: to implement or to not implement the one-child policy
    • Summarize your three key points
    • Leave the reader with something to remember
    • Write three or more sentences

Finished Early? 

Homework: Finish Rough Draft of Memo (5 paragraphs!) -- due Tuesday, 1/21

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